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November 2024 Quarterly Meeting
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Zoom Link:

Sign In Out


Please watch this short video prior to the event.

At SC-ASHI we use a simple text-message sign-in/out application for maintaining attendance records. This system is designed to save our volunteers considerable time and effort while requiring minimal effort on the part of our attendees. There is a little bit of a learning curve, so please pay close attention.

At beginning of the meeting you will recieve a text message. At this time we will announce a token word. 

Grab your phone; tap the link and enter the token word into the token field. Tap the submit button and kick back. You are signed in. 

We will repeat this process at the end of the day. You will receive a text. We will announce the token. You will tap the link and enter the token. 

It's that simple we now have a record of your attendance.